Loyalty programme

Join Hotel Vécsecity's exclusive loyalty programme, where we reward our loyal guests with special discounts and unique benefits! Discover the VIP Owl levels and experience the privileges that await you with every booking.

Discounted accommodation

Discounted preparations

Discounted consumption in restaurants

Discounted late check-out


Meet the owls!

The system will automatically classify you based on your membership criteria.

Level 1



Membership conditions
Automatic membership immediately after registration

2% discount on the total amount of accommodation

10% discount on the price of pre-purchased kits

Level 2



Membership conditions

Reservations of at least 300 000 HUF within three years

4% discount on the total amount of accommodation

15% discount on the price of pre-purchased kits

5% discount on restaurant meals

50% discount on late check-outs*

Level 3



Membership conditions

Reservation within three years with a minimum value of 600 000 HUF

6% discount on the total amount of accommodation

20% discount on the price of pre-purchased kits

10% discount on restaurant meals

Free early check-in*

50% discount on late check-outs*

Privileged level

Level 4



Membership conditions

Reservation within three years with a minimum value of 1 200 000 HUF

10% discount on the total amount of accommodation

20% discount on the price of pre-purchased kits

15% discount on restaurant meals

Free early check-in*

Free late check-out*

*depending on current occupancy
Discounts are not valid on certain holidays and cannot be combined with other promotions.

Join now!

Join our VIP Owl frequent guest programme and enjoy the hospitality of Hotel Vécsecity!

Have a question?

Contact us with confidence!